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Food and Distilleries

Peak Coatings made its first step into the industrial world partnering with distilleries in the 50’s. Still an integral part of our business today, distilleries and the food industry require unique solutions to combat corrosion and maintain an absolutely clean environment.  

While each customer has its own unique challenges presented in their facility, typical coatings for this environment must meet FDA approval for constant contact with food, resistance to regular hot/cold water washing, steam, and the various chemicals in and around the facility.

Chemical Plants

Chemical plants require specialized solutions where epoxy and urethane coatings are just the start, as well as trained industrial painting contractors with a focus on safety. Peak Industrial Coatings has both. ​Exposure to the chemicals in concentrated forms used in most chemical plants creates an obvious safety hazard, yet it also creates areas of high corrosion. This requires high performance epoxy coatings to keep corrosion at bay.

While concentrated chemicals are the obvious area of focus, by products of chemical processes often result in sulfides which create an electrolyte that falls back on to the surface of the steel and concrete throughout the plant, causing and accelerating corrosion. Creating a neutral pH and using a high performance epoxy and polyurethane mixture has been a recipe of success around Louisville for decades.

 Oil and Gas Plants

Does your facility already have a coating specification in place?  Peak is an approved applicator for the nations most reputable coating suppliers.  

Need help putting together a new specification for your facility?  We can do that too.  Peak has the training, expertise, and safety record you’re looking for. 

Water and Waste Water

coating specification in place?  Peak is an approved applicator for the nations most reputable coating suppliers.  

Need help putting together a new specification for your facility?  We can do that too.  Peak has the training, expertise, and safety record you’re looking for.


Limited down time? Lots to do? No problem. Approaching coating as proactive maintenance can be the key to success in the manufacturing industry. Many times, coating solutions can be achieved while working around existing processes without requiring any downtime at all. This can lengthen service life of steel structures, process pipes, or even equipment. How’s that for less down time?

Power Plants

Power plants are a dynamic environment requiring the utmost safety and a wide range of coating solutions.  Our history in the power industry dates back almost as far as our history in distilleries.  If you’re looking for a trusted partner to provide advanced coating solutions during outage season, or while running, we’d love the opportunity to earn your business.

Mine Industry

The Mine Industry faces many challenges making it both unique and also challenging in many of the typical ways. Plants and facilities often face extreme amounts of less than clean moisture, vibration or movement, abrasion, and more. These can be great candidates for flexible epoxy solutions and moisture cured polyurethanes. Lastly, the need for MSHA training–we have that too.

Peak Coatings is certified for above ground work in all coal and hard rock mines in Kentucky and throughout the surrounding states.

If you need coating solutions for your business, contact us to schedule a visit where we'll determine if we're the right fit for you!

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Peak Industrial Coatings